Payment Options

Fee Schedule

New Patient Evaluation-$55.00


Adjustment: 1-2 areas of spine-$29.57

                            3-4 areas of spine-$42.77



Therapies: Traction-$30.00

                          Muscle Stimulation-$15.00


Medicare Part B covers chiropractic spinal adjustment only when medically necessary. 

AT Spinal Adjustment:  1-2 areas of spine-$27.28

                                                    3-4 areas of spine-$39.13

Dr. Todd Hoagland is a NON-participating provider. Which means you pay us for the care you receive.   We give you a detailed receipt (Superbill) that you mail to the claims address on the back of your insurance card.  

Give us a call today at (618) 544-2064  


Appointment Request

Fill out the fields below and one of our staff members will contact you as soon as possible.

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